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At the Wolds and Vale Federation the teaching of reading and early reading is integral to our curriculum and provides our children with the lifelong skills to enable them to access our exciting topics. We put great emphasis on the children's ability to know and learn more through the power of reading.



It really is crucial at this point in their learning life, that children read to an adult daily. This is something that should happen both at home and in school, and will make a huge difference to their attitude towards learning and their confidence. Children who learn to read quickly at this early stage are significantly more successful later in life!







We use Letters and Sounds to teach phonics. Your children will be provided with books that are matched to the phase that they are working with. All books sent home in Reception and Year 1 will be phonetically decodable until children are fluent readers and can access Renaissance Reading.

Please see our Phonics Policy and Phonics Progression chart for further information:

Joint Policy on Phonics

Progression of Phonics 


Useful Links

Phonics Play - https://www.phonicsplay.co.uk/

Phonics Bloom - https://www.phonicsbloom.com/



Once children have completed the first 5 phases of Letters and Sounds, and have a wide range of reading and decoding skills, they will advance onto Accelerated Reader (AR Reading).

What is AR Reading?

AR Reading is an online platform which assesses what level children are reading at and sets them a range of books which they can access using their ability level. It also provides an online quiz for children to access in school after they have finished a book to decode their understanding and comprehension of the book that has been read.


How does AR Reading work?

The process starts with a ‘Star Quiz’ which your child will have already completed in school. This then provides teachers with detailed feedback, including the level that your child should be reading and the quizzes that they can access.

This is known as the Zone of Proximal Development, or ZPD for short.

AR Reading ensures that children are accessing books that are at the correct level for their reading ability. This will include some books that children can read easily to build confidence and some books which children will challenge the children. The ‘Star Quiz’ also sets targets for each child to ensure that they reach their full potential. These will be shared with staff in school and you at home to ensure that we provide each child with the opportunity to thrive as readers.

For many of the books that your child will read, Renaissance provides a quiz which can be accessed at school.

Please see our Acceleracted Reading Policy for further information:

Accelerated reading scheme

The children will also have the opportunity to earn certificates for different levels of reading. 

Please click here to find out more about the different levels.


What can I do to support my child?

  • Read with and to your child daily - even just a page a day will have a HUGE impact.
  • Use phonics as the first approach to decoding new words - ask children to 'sound it out'.
  • Record any reading you do at home in the children's Reading Record so that we can celebrate their reading in school.
  • Support your child to record the title of the book that your child is reading and the Accelerated Reader Book Level or B.L. (you will find this on the orange sticker on the bottom right corner of the book’s cover) in their reading record.
  • Make a note of your child’s current targets and help them to meet them.
  • Ensure that your child is reading as regularly as possible (we ask a minimum of every other day).
  • If you have ANY questions about reading, please contact your child's class teacher.


Public health evidence shows that reading just 10 minutes a day improves a child’s overall achievement, including the specific areas of education, employment & health over a lifetime... Now, hang on a minute! Sometimes, statistics and phrases such as this can seem quite dry. My temptation is to switch off almost immediately. But read that sentence above one more time... It is quite a fact. Education, employment and health must be three of the key drivers of success and happiness in people’s lives...and reading for 10 minutes a day can enhance all of these areas? What father would not want to assist their child’s education, employment and health? It’s a no-brainer.

We look forward to exploring Renaissance Accelerated Reader with your child and seeing how this supports the progress that they make in reading.












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